Veterans Wellness Program - Clinical Massage Therapy for Veterans
Veterans Wellness Program - Clinical Massage Therapy for Veterans

Wellness Starts With the Heart supports your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle with more clarity, peace, service, and connection.


Embrace Truth


Connect Love


Live Wellness


Give Empowerment

This is a 4-week Christian wellness program for women.

Sign up by the first Wednesday of the month by 11:00 PM CST to get into that month's live course.

Click to learn more and get days and times classes will be live.

Learn More









Enrollment Period Countdown:

When the enrollment period is over, this course will close. Please enroll only when you are ready to devote some time and attention to your wellness.

No worries if you miss the deadline!

Please feel free to enroll in the next course and/or sign up for our enrollment waiting list HERE. The start time for the next course will show up on this page when it becomes available.

We will never pressure you with scarcity tactics. This course is live and has a cutoff to join for practical reasons. However, this will not be the last opportunity you will have to enroll. This course is offered most months of the year. If you want to join us, you can enroll when you are ready and when it is right for you.


This coupon will be available for at least the rest of this year. Do not worry if you cannot enroll this month.

Not Ready to Enroll? Go to Enrollment Waiting List.

What makes™ different?

  • We understand that you are whole. God created you whole. We believe that love, the way it is described in the Bible, is the force that brings connection, power, and life to your wholeness.
  • We support you in making holistic, healthy lifestyle changes from a place of peace, strength, and power by helping you connect to unconditional love as God teaches of love in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 13.
  • We teach you how to connect to unconditional love before trying to make healthy lifestyle changes. This can help lifestyle changes last to support your efforts to serve and love others as God loves.


If you struggle to see your own wholeness, consider this.


A lamp is whole. It has everything it needs to be a lamp. However, the lamp does not light the room and fulfill its purpose until it connects to the electricity that gives it life.

We humans are whole and not fundamentally lacking. We have everything we need to be a human. At, we hold the belief that God made us whole and complete. However, we do not have real life until we allow the power of God's love to bring life to our wholeness through His unconditional love.

Like electricity flowing in a lamp gives it life, the unconditional love of God flowing in our hearts gives us life, including peace, strength, and power.


True and lasting wellness starts with the heart.

MindfulBasics, Inc. offers coaching, programs, and courses for educational purposes only. MindfulBasics, Inc. is NOT a primary medical treatment facility and is NOT a substitute for appropriate medical care by a licensed medical doctor.

What is a MindfulBasics iStory?

An iStory is a person's real-life and real-time journey of growth, challenge, and change that you can follow and interact with and support in a virtual community. You can learn about their pain and struggles and successes and wins as they make healthy lifestyle changes and work to improve their health.

Learn More About MindfulBasics iStory (MB Program) is a 4-week Christian wellness program for generally healthy women with prediabetes or insulin resistance that supports you in living a healthy lifestyle with more clarity, peace, service, and connection.

MindfulBasics Community is offered with a MindfulBasics Membership. MB Community is a virtual network where members focus on working together and connecting for long-term support. It is a place where you can connect and grow with others on a similar journey.

VISION: Connect a community focused on learning to love others as Jesus loves us.

MISSION: Offer holistic healthy lifestyle support for generally healthy Christian women with prediabetes who are struggling to make healthy lifestyle changes that stick long-term.