Veterans Wellness Program - Clinical Massage Therapy for Veterans

MindfulBasics Corps (MB Corps)


MB Corps is a for-profit Christian Wellness Ministry


MindfulBasics, Inc. operates as a for-profit company in the health and wellness industry.

MB Corps members operate as community builders and supporters and earn a commission on sales.

The mission of MB Corps is to minister to people in God's love through the vehicle of a wellness program and support them in creating holistic, healthy lifestyles that will put members in a better human state to see and recognize God's love.

If people can see God's love in action, they may choose to follow Him.


We do not force or pressure members to convert to Christianity. Our job in MB Corps is to use the wellness platform and programs to love and serve members in their wellness journeys and support their development of communities and support networks for each other.

Wellness is more than the wellbeing of the body. We need wellbeing of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit to be optimally "fit" to serve God to our highest ability.

Our wellness program helps members develop a life of wellness, a heart of service, deeper connections to family and community, and agape love for others.


We help others develop wellness in their life so they are optimally fit to serve God by being fit to serve others. 

Service to others requires good health to endure and extra time to give. Without health and time, people may be less effective at showing God's Love to each other.

Our wellness programs reach out to the community of believers and unbelievers alike. Our focus is on reaching people with prediabetes. We help them create and live a life in wellness and alignment with Jesus's teachings of love in 1 Corinthians 13 of the Christian Bible.

If members decide to follow Jesus and become Christians, we help connect them with a church that can support their spiritual growth.

We do not attempt to or expect someone to convert to Christianity in response to our efforts or their benefit from our services. God gave His life FIRST and gave us a choice to accept Him.

People have a right to choose what to believe. Since God does not coerce or force people into an outcome, we follow His example.

At MB Corps, we serve others without putting expectations on them.

We are in service, not making a transaction. We can hope and pray for others to turn to God. We can love and serve others. Their choice to follow God is between them and God.

God does not push people, and we follow His example.

Our MB Corps is set up to serve members in wellness and love.

We support people in Texas at this time. We have plans to support people across the continental United States sometime in the distant future.

This ministry functions in support of the Great Commission. MB Corps is for Christians ready to commit to God's commands to love Him and love others. Our efforts are to support members in removing barriers to God's love to increase their chances of turning to God.

The barriers we focus on removing are chaos/confusion, unrest, self-centeredness, and loneliness.

We concern ourselves with removing barriers that prevent people from believing in and experiencing God's Love.

MB Corps supports members in developing lives of clarity, peace, service, and connection.


Learn more about MB Corps

a Christian Wellness Ministry

Contact us and let us know if you want to learn more about opportunities at MB Corps.

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