
This website and its content are provided on an "as is" basis. The website and its content are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. The website and its content are provided without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.





MindfulBaisc, Inc. makes no guarantees that you will gain any health or wellness benefits or lose weight with this information. MindfulBasics.com is NOT a weight loss program. It is common knowledge that people typically lose weight when they live healthier and happier lives with less chronic stress as a permanent lifestyle change.

MindfulBasics, Inc. is NOT a replacement for medical care or mental health care services. We do NOT offer mental health therapy or counseling. We offer coaching based on the MindfulBasics philosophy of using unconditional love as an approach to life.

You agree to always seek medical care from your doctor for any known or suspected medical or mental health conditions and to contact your doctor to discuss your specific situation when you attempt to change your exercise and eating habits, ESPECIALLY if you are taking medications or have chronic conditions, like heart disease or diabetes, etc.

Again, we are not a medical treatment facility and do not treat medical or mental health conditions or use mental health therapy.

We provide maintenance care information, training, and services for generally healthy people.

If you have access to our Wellness Coaches, they serve as independent contractors, and any health or medical advice they give you is considered the advice of the individual wellness coach and not that of the Site, Owner, or Company.  You are responsible for your own medical care and safety.

Always discuss any advice you get from Wellness Coaches with your own personal primary care doctor BEFORE making changes in your behavior or habits.

Use of this site and any connected content and application platforms are your acknowledgment that you agree you are responsible for your own health and safety and hold MindfulBasics, Inc) and Ginger Baldwin (the founder) and any other members or affiliates or wellness coaches harmless of anything that may occur in connection to you and in relation to or connection with your use of this site or any connected site.